To renew items you have checked out, excluding interlibrary loan and media equipment:

  1. Go to the library catalog and click My Account.

    On the Library Catalog page click My Account
  2. Enter your complete UA email (not just username) and your UA password, and click Log In.

    You can also use your UA ID number ("library card number," found on your PolarExpress card) and PIN. If you don't know your PIN, click Reset Library Password/PIN — a link for changing your PIN will be sent to your email address.

    Catalog Login Screen
  3. Select the Checkouts tab, check the items you want to renew, and click Renew.

    Select the Checkouts tab, check the items you want to renew, and click Renew
  4. Click Yes next to Renew the Selected Items.

    Renewal confirmation screenshot
  5. Verify your renewal was successful and take a look at the new due date.

    Verify the renewal worked